This morning, I got off the beaten path, and walked the majority of today’s 19.02 miles on dirt roads from Cove Fort to Manderfield, Utah to complete Day 21 of 30 in the FCA Walk Across Utah.
Two of today’s dirt roads were actually ‘highways’, and when you look at the pictures of these roads, it’s hard to believe they’re called highways. None of the back roads had street signs, as well.
It started out raining, but that didn’t last long. It did end up being a cooler day, and I missed one of my turns off a dirt road, but I didn’t mind the additional scenic miles.
My feet were not as sore this morning as previous days, and most of the blisters are healing well, so it was a pain-free day of walking, and I enjoyed the cooler temperatures and beautiful scenery.
It’s hard to believe there are only nine days left in this challenge. It’s been awesome to put a spotlight on FCA Utah; fun to meet and get to know so many neat people; and take in ๏ฟผall the incredible views of Utah.
Note: I’m going to answer a question, as I’ve done in each of these posts, but I do have a second post coming tonight, so stay tune.
Question —> What would you say has been one of your most impactful takeaways or life lessons from this walk?
I’ve enjoyed so many neat experiences over the last three weeks, but probably three of my biggest takeaways have been: 1) Always trust in God 100 present; 2) Take time to rest; truly rest; 3) There’s so much more I can do to positively impact others.
Thanks again for everyone’s continued support, encouragement and questions regarding FCA Utah and the walk.
You can learn more about FCA, read the walk blog, and see opportunities to support FCA here —>
Days Completed: 21 of 30
Today’s Miles: 19.02
21-Day Miles: 383.11
Miles to Goal: 116.89
Today’s Steps: 35,766
21-Day Steps: 725,292
Steps to Goal: 274,708
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(801) 558-6937