Today was by far the most challenging day of the walk, and it was more a hike through the mountains over tough terrain covering 16.32 miles from New Harmony to Pintura, Utah to complete Day 28 of 30 in the FCA Walk Across Utah.
Knowing it would likely be my most challenging day, here’s what I heard during my prayer before beginning the day (and it could not have prepared me any better for the challenges I faced):
Place all your trust in me and I will put people along the way to help you through all you’ll face today.
The route was challenging for many reasons; accessibility to land (came across many fences, gates and no trespassing signs); the terrain included lava rock and dirt for much of the second half; GPS didn’t work in two areas, including a dense wooded forest I was hung up in for a while; and a number of other challenges.
But as promised, there were people along the way (including my wife, Susie, and daughter, Kennedy, and Jennifer and Steve with the DOT, who were awesome with jumping in to help me navigate through the challenges today. I’m so very grateful to each of them.
Thanks again for everyone’s continued support, encouragement and questions regarding FCA Utah and the walk.
You can learn more about FCA, read the walk blog, and see opportunities to support FCA here —>
Days Completed: 28 of 30
Today’s Miles: 16.35
28-Day Miles: 495.16
Today’s Steps: 32,700
28-Day Steps: 935,828
Steps to Goal: 64,172
(757) 329-2817
(801) 558-6937